40 years of service!
Canber has been learning and providing excellent landscaping for nearly 40 years. That is a testament to our service.
Family owned and operated.
Canber is a family owned and operated company. We bring a family oriented mindset into the way we do business.
Go to guys in the PNW.
We take pride in every service we provide. We have the resources and the know how to always deliver satisfaction.
Join Team Canber today!
We want technicians looking for a career with us. Learn about the Canber way; contact us about a career today!
Reference list
City of Redmond - Eric O'Neil 425-556-2325
City of Bellevue Parks - Ryan Popke 425-452-7813
City of Bellevue Streetscapes - Mike Hauer 425-452-4480
City of Bellevue Trails - Chris Vandall 425-864-1838
City of Renton Parks & Community Services - Ian Gray 425-430-6601
Black Rock Development - Jim Otness 253-377-7751
Soundbuilt Homes - Brett 253 377 4947
Harbor Homes - Jamie 206-315-8130
Eagle Creek Development - Kerm 253-459-5292
Woodland Homes - Ed Korolak PhoneNumber
Homeowners Associations / Apartments
Newport Apartments - Debra Pennington 206-878-0671
Kent Eat Hill Apartments - Darla 253-854-1820
Village on Union Homeowners Assn. - Helen Harris 425-226-5494
Candlewood/Carriagewood Ridge Homeowners Assn. - George Mcgill 425-502-0313
Maple Ridge Homeowners Assn. - Pete Giere 206-234-2481
Eastport Shores Homeowners Assn. - Bud Worley 425-235-0825
13810 152nd Ave SE Renton WA - Bob Fattore 425 228 1600
30916 SE 22nd Way Black Diamond WA- Mike & Darci Chaffuer 206-406-3076
5510 NE 23rd St Renton WA- Billy Haffner 206-276-8052
2306 184th Ave NE Redmond WA- Duncan Moore 206-947-3970

Bring your landscape to life